When I first started getting sick, I bailed on ALOT of people, I mean a lot.. My heart wanted to be there, but my body would not let me. I missed weddings, birthdays, baby showers, dinner parties, nights out on the town and so much more.
Having a Chronic Illness (invisible illness) it is so hard for people to truly understand how sick you really are because you often do not look sick. I lost count of the number of times managers at the Restaurants and Bars I worked at treated me awful when I would return to work.
There were a few girls I use to hang out with outside of work. Slowly over the years, I was bailing on our plans every time which eventually led to all of them stopping inviting me out. I have reached out a few times asking if they want to met for lunch or a tea/coffee but am met with no response from one, the other 2 is a tad hard as we work opposite schedules and we seem to never be off at the same time (but I love that they are open to catching up, it truly means the world to me) and the last one sent me one this message back.
"Mandy, you have so many other people in your life that love you and will be there for you. I will just see you when I see you!"
That was it, nothing back and what is more hurtful than anything is she works in Health-care. She literally has the knowledge to truly understand what Hashimoto's and Thyca does to your body. How your Thyroid is basically the hub of your body, the anxiety and brain fog that come with it, how even having a shower is so draining that 9 times out of 10 I need to lay down after. I was truly crushed by these women, I thought we could pick up where we left off once I started understanding more as to why I was sick all the time.
As time moved on, I realized that the group of people I have in my life before them and have met after them are truly my rocks. I am filled with so many wonderful amazing friends and such a supportive Husband, parents, brother and his family. Why was I so stuck on having people in my life that will not be there when I need them the most?

Much love,